Starry Night

April 10, 2012 § 11 Comments

I felt like I was in the Vincent van Gogh painting of Starry Night while driving home one evening.  The dark blue sky, the crescent moon, and the swirling clouds exude a feeling of peace.  And inspired this week’s nail art.

  1. Base coat – Essie’s “Aruba Blue”
  2. Use a small brush (a toothpick also works) to draw a semi-circle in the middle of your nail.  I used a lighter shade blue – Essie’s “Beach Bum Blu”
  3. Blend the semi-circle using a dab of white nail polish.  I used Sally Hansen’s “White On”
  4. Use a small brush (or toothpick) to draw the moon.  I used Revlon’s “Electric”
  5. Paint the bottom and left side of your nail black.
  6. Finally, apply a top coat.


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